Bleeding Green: 9 Ways to Be a UND Sports Superfan

As the summer wraps up and fall settles in, a few things are changing in Grand Forks other than the tree colors. The fall semester is underway at UND and the breath of life of the Grand Forks community has returned: the students. As a UND alumni, there was always something electric about that feeling of returning to Grand Forks for the school year. The town just feels more energized than normal!


For those of us that enjoy all things UND, this time of year also means that UND sports make their return. Who doesn’t love the tailgates and football games at the Alerus or intense volleyball matches at the Betty? And let’s not forget about the women in green battling it out on the soccer pitch at Bronson Field. Even men’s hockey will soon be here in October. I get excited just thinking of all these sporting events to attend! So, with all the games, traditions, and overall hubbub that comes with UND sports, what is the best way to be an A+ fan? Well, if you’re gonna be a fan, you might as well be a super fan. I’ve compiled 9 things that you should consider if you want to take your UND sports experiences to the next level.

UND Hockey Game in Grand Forks.

UND Sports Superfan Tip #1: Get to the Venue Early

As we all know, it is always best to be prompt and punctual. Show up early so you can be sure to find your seat and take in the pregame. Being able to watch your Fighting Hawks warm up before taking it to their opponent is a great way to show your support as well as build anticipation and excitement for the game. You’ll have plenty of time to walk around the concourse and see all the other UND fans getting pumped up before the game. With all the people that come out, there’d be a good chance you’d see someone you know. Getting to the game early will also give you better parking options, which we all know is a must in those frigid months.

UND students know all about this particular piece of knowhow: Every weekend you will see dedicated students sitting outside the Ralph in tents battling negative temperatures to get the seats closest to the ice. Talk about super fans! This is a prime example of passion and commitment on display.  If all UND fans showed this level of dedication, UND would be winning the natty in all sports every year.

UND Sports Superfan Tip #2: Try Concessions

I know what you’re thinking: “Buy concession stand food? In this economy?” Yes. You need it. Eating something at the game will amplify your gameday experience. Whether it’s a fresh, warm bag of Bavarian almonds from Far Out Nuts at the Ralph or a hot personal Deek’s pizza at the Alerus, UND has some tasty food options at all of the hockey, volleyball, and football games.

The Alerus Center (home of UND football) recently released new concession stand options for football games, a fan favorite being a hot personal Deeks Pizza. The Betty (where you’d check out volleyball, basketball, and soccer games) has a solid spread of quick bites, and the Ralph (for you hockey fans) has a wide variety of food ranging from Red Pepper, to walking tacos, to Little Caesars Pizza, and my favorite, Bavarian almonds from Far Out Nuts. There is something delicious to enjoy for everyone!

UND football Homecoming Game.

UND Sports Superfan Tip #3: Know the Big Matchups

While all UND games are sure to be exciting and fun for everyone, all superfans are probably aware of some of the big matchups coming up. For example, the UND football team will battle against NDSU at the Alerus Center on October 14th. This is definitely going to be a rowdy game considering that the rivalry between UND and NDSU dates all the way back to 1894. This makes it the 8th oldest college football rivalry west of the Mississippi River! Each year, they compete for the Nickel Trophy, a coin granted to the winners of the annual NDSU/UND match. NDSU has gotten the best of the Hawks in recent history, but I think this is the year we take down our foes from down the road. #HornsDown

Other important football games to keep in mind are the Potato Bowl, which happens at the beginning of the fall semester. This event usually involves a huge parade, a wild tailgating party, and The World’s Largest French Fry feed, where University Park gives away free, all you can eat french fries courtesy of Simplot. That’s only a few of the many potato-based events surrounding this iconic football game. Of course, UND also has a huge Homecoming Week celebration that’s been going for over 100 years. This year’s calendar boasts over 40 events in one week for Homecoming—now that’s a lot of ways to show your school spirit!

For volleyball, UND has a number of home conference games that will later come into play for the women battling it out on the hardwood in the Summit League. Rivals from across the border in South Dakota come to Grand forks on October 5 (USD) and October 26 (SDSU). Show up and support the ladies to support the better Dakota.

Make it out to Bronson Field for a women’s soccer game. There’s something about cheering on the Hawks while being outside. Enjoy the fresh fall air while the ladies play home conference games in October against Oral Roberts and Denver.

To keep a pulse on when the UND teams are up and at ‘em, check out the North Dakota Fighting Hawks athletic calendar.

Downtown night life skating in Grand Forks town square.

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UND Sports Superfan Tip #4: Free Student Tickets

UND students need to be taking advantage of this deal. Other than men’s hockey, students can get free tickets to all regular season sports games. When I was a student, I went to nearly all football, volleyball, and basketball games for a whole year. While I lived on campus, it was a no brainer to go see a match and for a few hours to get a fun study break. All students need to do is load up their tickets on their Green and White account on their phones and have it ready to scan when they get to the location. Its that easy!

UND Sports Superfan Tip #5: Rep the UND Gear

This should just be assumed, but you wouldn’t believe the number of times I’ve caught my friends barely showing school spirit style. For those of us that don the Kelly green, we wear it with pride–a superior shade of green for the flagship university in North Dakota.

Wearing jerseys to sporting events just feels right. Especially when you can wear the freshest jerseys around. UND has had some ballin’ jerseys recently, so if you can get your hands on one at the Sioux Shop in the Ralph, some of the apparel stores around town such as Scheels, one of kiosks at the Alerus Center, or snag a little somethin’ somethin’ from the UND Bookstore, you’d be looking like a passionate fan with drip. One of my favorite jersey drops was the hockey jersey, “NODAK” diagonal across the front of the sweater. In black or white, these jerseys are FRESH.

If you’re really committed to UND history, you can check out this auction site where you can bid on current and historical athletic gear from UND sports stars. Maybe it’ll come with good luck!

UND Football Tailgate in Grand Forks.

UND Sports Superfan Tip #6: Tailgate

For football fanatics, UND hosts the Michelob Ultra Tailgate Village at the Alerus Center where you can find music, games, bouncy houses, and food and drinks courtesy of Rhombus Guys Pizza, Real Good Cookies, and the Alerus Center. Open 2.5 hours before kickoff, this party is open to the public and is fun for fans of all ages! Whether you’re ready to go all out and grill out or you just want to walk around, UND Football tailgating is always a good time.

Watch as the players arrive and walk through the sea of green with head coach Bubba Shweigert leading the way to get you into the Alerus for warm ups alongside the pride of the North Marching Band providing to get you amped up for the game. Experience every sensation as your nostrils are tickled by the smell of burgers and brats in the grill and you listen for the sound of bags slappin’ the cornhole boards. You really can’t beat it.

UND Sports Superfan Tip #7: Songs and Chants

Nothing is more powerful than hearing an entire arena chanting or singing together to cheer on our guys and gals in green. As an alumni of the flagship university in North Dakota, I can tell you all about the importance of engaging in the “rowdy (but respectable)” fan behavior.  Here are a few favorites you’re guaranteed to hear at each match:

The Official UND Fight Song: Stand Up and Cheer
Stand up and cheer!
Stand up and cheer for North Dakota.
Pledge your loyalty
For she’s your alma mater true.
Our teams are fighting,
And we will help them see it through.
We’ve got the team—(rah! rah!)
We’ve got the steam—(rah! rah!)
So North Dakota, here’s to you.

It’s For You
It’s for you, North Dakota U
That we sing, your sons and daughters true
Cheering our comrades to victory
Renewing allegiance to UND
Your honor we uphold in every contest
As your children aye shall do
And when ever you ear that cry of Odz! Zod! Dzi!
It’s for you, North Dakota U!

In Heaven There is No Beer
In Heaven there is no beer
That’s why we drink it here (right here!)
And when we’re gone from here
Our friends will be drinking all our beer!

UND Pep Rally Grand Forks.

UND Sports Superfan Tip #8: UND Sports Radio Show

If you really want to get in the know, you can listen to all things UND athletics even outside of game night. On Tuesdays from 6-7 pm, you can catch Hawk Talk on 1440 – AM Home of Economy Radio Network where you can hear everything from highlights of the game, athlete and coach interviews, and even learn about athletics administration. If you’re feeling like a podcast, you can find all the historical Hawk Talks in one place here.

UND Sports Superfan Tip #9: Connect with the UND App

UND athletics have teamed up with the Ralph Engelstad arena to bring a new way to connect with men’s hockey games. The “UND Gameday App” is an interactive app that allows fans to participate in games, contests, and polls during breaks and intermissions. The app also features line charts, notes from the game, exclusive deals, schedules, and more! Download from the Apple App store or the Google Play store.

These are some tactics that I use to show my spirit for UND athletics. If you bleed Kelly green, use all of these tips. If you are just getting into UND events, give one a shot and I’m sure you’ll be coming back for more. Whether it’s a touchdown, match point, or goal, the UND athletes always get amped up with added support from us, the crazy fans!  So, get out to some UND games this fall to support the good guys in green.

Author Alex Mutch for 'What's Cooler today?' blog in Grand Forks.


Oh hello there! My name is Alex and I’m a big Grand Forks guy. Growing up in a small town 30 minutes away, I’ve always considered Grand Forks home. I’ve seen the community expand and grow for all of my 25 blossoming years of life, and looking forward to many more! I’m a UND grad working in Grand Forks as an accountant, but I have a pretty adventurous and creative side too. When I’m not cooking the books, you can find me outside golfing, rollerblading, or shooting hoops. When winter rolls around I love to watch UND hockey games, go snowboarding, and play guitar and piano at home.  Some people say Grand Forks is “boring”…I say that’s blasphemy. I hope to share some golden tidbits on what makes Grand Forks a sweet place from a 25 year old accountant with a twist.


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