Have you been dreaming about summer fun, during these long winter nights? Have you wondered how to get your kiddos out of the house and active during the summer months? Well, you have certainly come to the right place. I have compiled a guide to help you see all the opportunities for summer activities we have here in Grand Forks!
Grand Forks Region Summer Camps: Get Active with Sports Camps!
We know that kids like to keep busy (and parents like that, too) so I’ve kept that in mind when researching all there is for Grand Forks youth from preschool ages to seniors in high school! To get the ball rolling, I will start with all activities involving sports. Grand Forks Region has a lot to offer when it comes to getting your kids up and running!
North Dakota Sports Camps and Clinics:
- There are loads of chances for kids to get involved during a camp or clinic run through The University of North Dakota (UND) in the summertime! They have opportunities for football, boys’ and girls’ basketball, soccer, softball, track and field, and volleyball. I have linked the resource guide, so do check it out! They’ll have your kids kicking it into high gear in no time!
Soccer Club Summer Academy Program:
- If your kiddo feels particularly goal driven, sign up for the summer soccer club academy. It runs through the month of June for elementary-aged players. This program will provide sessions for young players to develop their soccer skills.
- Want to give your young golfer an un-fore-gettable summer experience? Check out the King’s Walk Golf Course summer camps! They have activities for kids up to fifteen years of age with five summer camps/leagues in total.
Summer Skating Programs:
- You might be thinking that there’s no time for the ice in summer but, of course, up north we always have a few sheets available somewhere. If you’re already an active figure skater in the community or are part of a club, there is summer ice availability for you! This also includes learn to skate programs for beginners.
- If hockey is more your speed, there are chances to get involved with that, as well. Langei Edge offers training camps for skaters levels Mites through High School and there are also summer hockey clinics run by East Grand Forks Parks and Rec in June. Make sure to keep an eye out on the Grand Forks Camp page because they typically have annual summer camps too!
Tennis Programs:
- Tennis in the Park is sure to be a racket during the summer. While it’s sponsored by Grand Forks Park District and Choice Health and Fitness, you don’t have to have a fitness center membership to participate. Of course Choice does have tons of additional programming you can gain access to by becoming a member.
Baseball Programs:
- If you have a future MLB player under your roof (or even if you don’t) you should check out the summer baseball and t-ball opportunities here in the Grand Forks Region. They run throughout the summer and are a popular way to get kids out in the sunshine during this season.

Grand Forks Region Summer Camps: An Artist in Everyone!
Moving on to another popular type of summer activity, anything and everything creative! The Grand Forks Region has a fun art camp for your kiddos!
Summer Art Camp ND Museum of Art:
This comprehensive art camp covers all sorts of mediums! From printing to sculpting, you’ll surely have a little artist on your hands when this camp is over! It runs from early June to mid-July and has classes for ages 6-9 and 10-14!
Grand Forks Region Summer Camps: Centre Stage!
Give your little one the opportunity to have their time in the spotlight (or hey, be the one running the spotlight) through some of our summer theater camps. Below I have explained what these camps include. I personally participated in Fire Hall Summer Theater and Stages as a kid and have such fond memories of those times! Youth theater really brings out creativity in everyone!
The Summer Arts Stages theater program has a long history in our region. They usually do three shows per summer categorized by grade levels, Upper Stages, Center Stages, and Beginner Stages. This year upper stages are performing “How to Eat Like a Child” while Center and Beginner Stages are performing “Pinocchio.” This program takes place during the first half of June, so if you’re interested, registration will be open soon!
Summer Performing Arts, well known as SPA, is another popular summer theater program in our region. With over eight different programs throughout the summer, they have many opportunities to show off ones acting chops or make the magic behind the curtain with tech roles. The theater camps run from the beginning of June to the end of July, and each camp focuses on different age levels. The camps always culminate in a show at the end and it’s very popular, so if you’re interested make sure to sign up as soon as possible!
Fire Hall Theatre Summer Camp:
Fire Hall Theatre or Greater Grand Forks Community Theatre has summer camps for the young actors of our region each year. This experience is well-rounded because campers will be shown all aspects of show production, taught improv and collaboration skills, and focus on everything that goes into making a performance shine. Summer camp at the Fire Hall is held in two sessions: kids going into grades 2-5 in the fall, and kids going into grades 6-9. Camp will start on July 7th and runs through August 7th. It is also a non-musical focused production, which is less common than other summer theatre opportunities for kids! Sign up will be on the Fire Hall’s website and social media in late April or early May.

Grand Forks Region Summer Camps: Work Those Brain Muscles!
These camps serve as a wonderful chance to begin or build on a passion for all things STEM. The UND College of Engineering & Mines hosts seven different camps throughout the summer. From a Minecraft Camp to a Youth Science and Engineering Academy, there are options for all. Registration begins on April 1st, so be prepared to take a look at what interests you soon.
Liftoff Summer Camp: Health and Human Services
This day camp is for any child aged twelve and above who is thinking about pursuing a career in health and human services. Even if they’re not set on this pathway, it’s a great opportunity to explore their options, especially because it’s FREE! It will be held on July 15th this year and they take applications until the camp is filled, which means you can sign up now!
Kidpreneurs Camp:
This is a two-day camp that takes place right before the annual Grand Forks Downtown Summer Street Fair. It is a crash course for young entrepreneurs ages K-12 on the basics of running a business. The Downtown Development Association provides a booth for each entrepreneur for the duration of the Downtown Street Fair to promote their business. It does require the attendance of a parent during the Street Fair and, depending on the child’s age, throughout the camp as well. This program has been ongoing for several years now and is a wonderful way to promote and encourage business growth amongst our community’s youngest members! They typically take about 20 kidpreneurs for the camp, so if you know a tiny boss in your life, be sure to stay up-to-date with their website and Facebook for further information!

Grand Forks Region Summer Camps: Explore and Play!
The region also offers several options for adventurous campers who want fun day-to-day activities. Below is a list of some great camps for kids to let off that daily steam having fun in the sun (or indoors if the weather takes a turn). Take a look!
YMCA Wilderness Club and Adventure Camp:
Our local YMCA offers many activities for kids during the summer, and some of the popular camps include the Wilderness Club and the Adventure Camp. The Wilderness Club is a K-5 program that includes options on how many days a week you’d like your camper to attend. Their goals include connecting children to nature, sparking creativity, scientific exploration, and more! It runs from June 3rd – August 13th this year.
The Adventure Camp is for children 6-12 years of age and also runs throughout the entire workday. This camp is similar to the Wilderness Club in that it encourages interaction with nature and being active in play. It also promotes team play/building, sports, and sciences. This camp has several off-site days where the campers get to explore areas beyond the YMCA in our region, including Turtle River State Park, Maple Lake, Larimore Dam, and more. Registration begins bright and early on April 7th, so you have a little time to prepare. Here is another resource for the details of both camps.
Ground Up Adventures Girls Adventure Camp:
This camp is a unique opportunity for any young girls in our region to get their adventure on! It’s open for girls aged 9-14 and is a two-day long camp run throughout the afternoon. Plan for time spent exploring our greenways, Turtle River State Park, and time on the water as well. This is a fabulous opportunity to explore what’s right in our own backyards! They take in about 25 campers each year.
East Grand Forks Parks and Rec Playground:
Playground is a very popular summer program for kids run out of East Grand Forks (EGF) every summer. There is a non-resident participation form, so don’t let the EGF city limit disclaimer deter you! It is typically offered for children 6-10 years old and the program meets Monday-Thursday in the afternoons. They host activities outside or inside, depending on the weather each day, starting with Campbell Library as the homebase. Fridays are field trip days, meaning they leave their general area and go off-site. Some examples of field trips would be Northern Air Family Fun Center, bowling, and exploring University Park, among others. This program begins the first week of June and ends the last week of July. Registration starts very soon on March 25th so be ready!
This camp is for kiddos aged 6-10 years old and includes games, arts and crafts, some swimming, and more! They visit Grand Forks Parks regularly and it provides an opportunity for kids to play and explore during the summer months.

Grand Forks Region Summer Camps: Specialty Camps
Lastly, I’ve found two camps that I would consider “specialty camps.” There is a day camp being advertised for Cub Scouts in our region, so if you have an eager scout in your home this could be a great fit for them! Additionally, I’ve also included Camp Good Mourning, which is for kids who’ve experienced the loss of a loved one, developed to help support them during their grief.
This camp is for any current Cub Scouts looking for an opportunity to stay involved this summer. This Invention Convention Day Camp is hosted by each Cub Scout district and may include things like archery, leatherwork, STEM projects, and more. Part of the fun is building inventions that each scout gets to work on. The Grand Forks Day Camp takes place on June 7th this year at the Heritage Village in East Grand Forks.
This camp is an opportunity for children 5-18 years of age who have experienced a loss in their life. It will be held on Saturday June 14th this year from 9am-6pm. It’s an outdoor day camp at Turtle River State Park that includes group discussions, arts and crafts, music therapy, nature, and more. It’s always concluded with a memorial service that parents or guardians are invited to attend where they plant a tree in memory of their lost loved one. Their webpage has additional information on how to register.
No Matter the Weather, We’ll Be Together!
Check out this article on Indoor Activities for Families in Grand Forks!
Rain or shine our city has activities for you!

Hello folks! My name is Kinley!
I grew up across the river in East Grand Forks and recently graduated from NDSU in December 2024. I have moved back home and I am currently working here at the EDC as part of the Cooler Crew for the next while. I am loving my job so far and soaking up all the new valuable work skills I’m learning. Working on this blog is so cool! (>ᴗ•)
When I’m not working at the EDC, I actually have a second job! I work part-time at Target fulfilling online orders, so if you have ever placed an order for pick-up, it may just have been me who picked it in store! Of course, busy as I am with two jobs, I am not always working! In my free time I love to read, watch tv & movies, go for walks, bake, care for my plants, and hang with my family and friends. I also love volunteering with Journey Home Animal Shelter when I can! Those pup snuggles really fill up my cup!
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