Tis the Season: 6 Ways to Spend the Holidays in Grand Forks

On the first day of snowfall, North Dakota gave to me a day off from school and work! Okay folks, the snow is coming down, and the year is almost over! In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I often find it hard to take time to have some fun. Forget the shopping lists, the stress of finals, and the resolution to eat fewer sweets you made back in January. Instead, check out all the fun things there are to do this time of year in Grand Forks!

Children Ice skating in Town Square in Grand Forks.

Holiday Activities in Grand Forks: Ice Skating

If you’re looking for a way to get out and enjoy the snowy weather, put your skills to the test by going ice skating in the town square. Whether you are a born natural or an uncoordinated newbie like me, it’s a fun way to enjoy a day or an evening at this time of year. There are also indoor rinks located in Grand Forks like the Blue Line Club Arena, or the ICON Sports Center. If you simply wish to watch someone skate, swing by a hockey game and cheer on UND!

Holiday Activities in Grand Forks: See a Show

Whether you are a scrooge about holiday movies and plays, or thoroughly enjoy the classics, River Cinema has got something for you. You can catch the latest film on Christmas Day or enjoy some throwback holiday stories. Some of their holiday showtimes include The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (Jim Carey version of course), White Christmas, and Polar Express.  Of course, you can always catch the newest Marvel phenomenon too. If the snow keeps you inside during this holiday season, you can always watch a good story from the comfort of your home. Throw on your holiday pajamas, make some hot cocoa, and snuggle up on the couch for a good movie. Or watch the hockey game.

Holiday Activities in Grand Forks: Caroling, Ugly Sweaters and Drinks, oh my!

The holidays are a time for family, relaxing, and drinking. You can mix in some holiday spirit when you are heading out to the bars this season. Half Brothers usually hosts a caroling event, and on December 10th there will be an ugly sweater pub crawl hosted by Grand Forks Pub Crawl! Grab your ugliest sweater and prepare to get compliments and stares as you crawl downtown!

Christmas in the park with snow falling. Couple walks their dog.

Holiday Activities in Grand Forks: Christmas in the Park, Christmas on the Streets

An easy way to get into the spirit is to simply drive around town and look at Christmas lights. Grab a hot drink to go, hop in your car and give the people who braved the cold and put-up beautiful décor some well-deserved attention. A notable place to check out is Belmont St. where you can see all the bright lights on a silent night. If you want to get fancy, rent a limo or party bus! If you prefer a more scenic route, check out the Lions Club annual Christmas in the Park light show at Lincoln Drive Park. The light show is open November 25 through December 31 from 5:30 – 10 PM.

Holiday Activities in Grand Forks: 10 AM, Santa’s Coming to Town

SANTA… along with his elves and his wonderful wife Mrs. Clause to tell stories to young children this December! Santa Village will be hosted at 1300 South Washington Street this year and will have cocoa to sip, and trees to admire. The Clause couple will be in town on December 10th, 11th, 17th, and 18th and will be joined by a magician! To get in, just bring a non-perishable food item or toy donation.

Holiday Activities in Grand Forks: New Year, New Tunes

Head on down to 322 Demers on December 31st, for the Sky’s New Year’s Eve party featuring the Downtown Horns! The event starts at 8:30 PM and ends at 12:30 AM on January 1st. Start off 2023 strong with food, drinks, and an amazing performance. If you wanna catch some tunes before the new year, Doug Allen Nash will be hosted by the Empire Arts Center for “Country Christmas.” He will be joined by many other guests and will perform nostalgic songs for all ages.

I hope this list helps your heart grow a couple of sizes and gives you some ideas to close out the year with a bang. If you’re fully booked, cross off wallow in self-pity, and get out and have some fun! Hit the town, hang with friends/family, or curl up and enjoy yourself, tis the season to have a great time!

Ice Skating in Grand Forks Town Square.

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Claire Headshot for 'What's Cooler Today?' articles.


My name is Claire, I am a junior at the University of North Dakota. I am majoring in English and hope to edit and publish in the future. I am a published poet and write for the Dakota Student Newspaper at UND. My favorite things about Grand Forks are the people, the food, and the environment. You can find me reading a book in a local coffee shop or cheering the loudest at a hockey game!


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