
We’ve Got Talent – 4 Open Mics in Grand Forks

Last October I went to an Open Mic Comedy night with a friend. Watching eight different folks from our community get up and give comedy a shot had us feeling inspired. Fast forward one month and there we were – giving a stand-up comedy our first try. Since then, I have been an open mic regular and love seeing what other skills and talents people across greater Grand Forks have! I’m here to share my favorite coffee shops, bars, and venues featuring open mic events.

Open Mics in Grand Forks

  1. Half Brothers Open Mic
  2. Empire Arts Center Music Box
  3. Archives Coffee Comedy & Poetry Open MIcs
  4. Love in Action Open Mics
Image of Matt Ternus over blue background and text that reads "What's Cooler Today?"

About The Author

Hey y’all! My name is Matthew Ternus. I am originally from Rogers, MN and have called Grand Forks home for 6 years. I graduated from UND with a degree in political science, which makes me a lot of fun at parties. I try to find something new to do in the community every day. Catch me at most UND sporting events, concerts, street fairs, and anywhere people may gather!

1. Half Brothers Open Mic Night

In their basement event space, Half Brothers hosts a variety of concerts and events. On the first Tuesday of the month from 7 to 9 p.m., guests are invited to the family-friendly Open Mic Night in Grand Forks. These often feature music and standup comedy, but you might also find poetry readings, dancers, or other talents. Half Brothers provides a fun, intimate space with stellar lighting and sound. Open mic experiences here make you feel like you’re the headliner (or at the very least, an opener). When I’ve showed off my chops here, the crowds have always been incredibly energetic and receptive, which makes the experience so much more fun.

2. Empire Arts Center Music Box

While the Empire Arts Center doesn’t necessarily have a dedicated open mic night, many of their events feature an audience performance factor. For example, the Empire & Visit Greater Grand Forks’ “The Music Box” series occurs once a month at the Empire. This monthly concert series features three local bands or musicians – but the coolest part, and why this is getting a nod in the list – is the Open Jam that happens before the show. Audience members get up on stage with an instrument (yes, a voice is an instrument) and jam with the featured headliners. This cool and collaborative event provides community members with a space to learn and play with experienced musicians, all while exposing them to new genres! Community members bring all sorts of instruments to play, from guitars to harmonicas. And who doesn’t love a good harmonica? The next Music Box show will happen on June 17, from 7 to 10 p.m. A ticket is needed for entry, and can be purchased on the Empire’s website.

3. Archives Coffee House Open Mic Nights

Who needs one kind of open mic when you can have them all? Archives’ Open Mic Nights in Grand Forks each promise their own specialty. UND’s English Department hosts a night where folks share poetry, short stories, and spoken word. Looking for a music-themed open mic? Archives has you covered. Then, there are nights dedicated to standup comedy… I’m not being biased, but I think they have the very best open mic night host (it’s me)! Now, I am no John Mulaney or John Green, and I’m definitely not a Jonas Brother, but Archives provides such an incredible space to grow and develop. And the audience size has grown tremendously! Back in 2022, there were times that the number of performers outnumbered general audience members. At the most recent Open Mic Comedy night, there were over 40 people in attendance. Archives packed the house and the audience created great energy.

4. Love In Action Open Mics

A former coffee house turned secret open mic? I’m all ears. The Ember once hustled and bustled with a caffeinated crowd, but this downtown coffee shop has been shuttered for a couple of years. However, on the second Saturday of each month, local nonprofit Love In Action mans the station and opens the doors AND the mic to rappers, singers, poets, comedians and spoken word artists. Follow Love in Action on Instagram for showtimes and performance dates for their open mic night in Grand Forks.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced open mic-er, each of these locations have friendly folks ready to get you on stage. So, take some time and write a few good lines, and the next time that spotlight shines make sure it’s on you!

Man standing on a stage at an open mic night in the basement of Half Brothers brewing company
Open mic night at Half Brothers Underground.
A group of people watch a man perform at a comedy open mic night in Grand Forks ND
Comedy open mic night at Archives, hosted by yours truly.

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