Reynolds, ND | One of the Best Small Communities in the US
Population: 314
Average Commute Time: 14 minutes
Average Home Value: $95,000
Total School Enrollment: 188
Cooler Living in Reynolds, ND
Reynolds ( is one of the Best Small Communities in the US because it’s got that true small-town spirit. Neighbors take an active interest in one another and in building their community. The city is split down the middle between the southern border of Grand Forks County and the northern border of Trail County.
Reynolds students share Central Valley School with neighboring Buxton, and the district excels in academics and athletics. With one teacher for every eight students, personalized attention is paid to every person and student. The school even has a 100% rate in 2018-2019 for students pursuing post-secondary education, and that’s pretty cool.
Both historical housing and new construction are on the market at affordable rates, but limited options for rental properties. The average cost of a house rings in at $129,500 and average rent at $788.
Healthier Living
A complete healthcare system is just a short 20-minute drive into Grand Forks, and offers a state-of-the art hospital and many private practice providers. Sanford Clinic in Mayville also serves the community with a 21-minute commute.
Community Life
Reynolds Community Betterment is an active group of volunteers who work hard to make the community a great place for all to live and enjoy life. Residents take pride in offering a slower pace of life and doing things in their own time. For example, the Reynolds 125+2 committee came together to celebrate the 125th founding of the city… which was celebrated just two little years late. Many retired military veterans have made a home in Reynolds, and the city is also known for have a large number of families associated with the agricultural industry.
Livelier Events
Thanks to Reynolds Community Betterment, a stream of events happen on Main Street year-round. Between city-wide steak fry celebrations in the Veteran’s Park, to community plays hosted in the historically renovated City Hall, or a visit from Santa during a Christmas shebang, residents have plenty of opportunities to connect through festivities and community events.