Manvel, ND | One of the Best Small US Cities
Population: 332
Average Commute Time: 13 minutes
Average Home Value: $151,800
Total School Enrollment: 162
Cooler Living in Manvel, ND
There’s a reason we think Manvel ND is one of the Best Small Cities in the US. Manvel is the type of town where residents can enjoy every aspect of life and nature. Locals can often be found on their porches sipping a cup of morning coffee and greeting the neighbors with a wave. It holds an easy pace of living, and has opportunities for quiet and peace.
Manvel Public Schools is known for achievement and was named a Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education for achieving superior standards of academic excellence. Students can attend through grade 8 and are bused into Grand Forks to attend high school. During the summer months, the school runs Manvel Migrant School, a 7-week program for migrant children.
Housing options and new construction sites in town are limited, but become available occasionally.
Healthier Living
A short 15-minute drive to Grand Forks and residents have access to state-of-the art hospitals, clinics, mental healthcare, and dental providers.
The Turtle River winds through Manvel, creating a perfect place for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Snowmobiling, sledding, and hockey dominate the winter months. The warm summers are filled with fishing, hunting, golfing, and baseball.
Community Life
A strong sense of loyalty and friendship forms the backbone of Manvel. Whether eating hot meals every Tuesday and Thursday at the senior center, drinking a frosty pint at the Oldham Saloon, or cheering from the sidelines at the Jason Stadstad Hockey Arena, community support bolsters every activity and event.
Livelier Experiences
Livelier events like the John Sweeney Golf Scramble bring a hubbub of activity and fun to the small town. Every other year, Manvel Days livens the streets with a parade, tractor pull, car show, and kids’ activities.