Find Cooler Jobs and Careers in Grand Forks

If you’re looking for a career there are cool places to make a living while you’re making a life around Grand Forks. Everywhere you look you’ll find opportunities for talented and adventurous people willing to take a chance on our region in industries of all shapes and sizes. Grand Forks careers can offer you a lifetime of success!

Featured full-time jobs available now in greater Grand Forks!

Grand Forks Welcoming and Relocation Guide Cover Art

For more employment resources and a list of top employers in the region, download our relocation guide!

UAS Careers Take Flight in Greater Grand Forks

If you want your career to rise in the unmanned and autonomous systems field, look no farther than greater Grand Forks! Work at a U.S. Department of Defense contractor like Northrop Grumman or General Atomics or be part of cutting-edge UAS development and research at companies like Thread, iSight Drone Services, or TruWeather Solutions. The sky’s the limit!

Two women working on UAS equipment a drone in the forefront. A man looks on from the background, standing next to a large unmanned vehicle.
Doctor smiles at patient in Grand Forks Hospital

Leading the Way in Healthcare

Home to a state-of-the-art hospital, innovative leaders in healthcare, and an abundance of opportunities, careers in healthcare thrive in greater Grand Forks!

Whether you want to work in a metro-area or a rural healthcare facility, if your passion is patient care and positive change,  you can a find a career perfect for you in the region’s largest healthcare system.


Engineering and Innovating in Grand Forks

The Grand Forks region is a hotbed of engineering companies who are touching all parts of the world with expertise in areas including water, wind and manufacturing.

An exciting future in chemical, mechanical, electrical, or software engineering awaits you in greater Grand Forks!

Engineer works with large electrical equipment in Grand Forks warehouse.
Man looks at computer in Grand Forks factory.

Manufacture Your Future in Grand Forks

From composites to metal to food processing, the Grand Forks region has a diverse manufacturing base, with niche companies that manufacture products for industries including wind energy, oil and gas, aviation, construction, food, and automotive.

What better place to build your career than Grand Forks?

Trade Up in Greater Grand Forks

Whether you’re an expert electrician, technician, or mechanic, or you’re looking to kickstart a trade career, the Grand Forks region hosts a plethora of businesses designed to help you reach new heights in your field.

Find the right fit for you, no matter the field!

Construction worker uses hammer and other tools in Grand Forks, ND
Business man looks at computer at takes notes in Grand Forks office.

A Career in Management Waits for You in Grand Forks

In greater Grand Forks, opportunities and open doors await you. Find cooler careers in management at organizations that are paving a path for your success.

Join a community of professionals and get ready to grow in Grand Forks!

Grand Forks Offers a Variety of Careers


Surely, you’ve heard the buzz about drones, by now right? Well, the Grand Forks region is the hub of all things unmanned so if you want to find your niche in this industry, you really need to look for a career here.

If your passion is caring for people, you’ll find rewarding career opportunities with the region’s largest healthcare system and a variety of non-profits to choose from.

The Grand Forks region is a hotbed of engineering companies who are touching all parts of the world with expertise in areas including water, wind, and manufacturing.

In case you haven’t heard, we grow things here. Lots of things. This region is among the nation’s top agricultural hot spots. Whether we’re growing and harvesting or producing, there are job opportunities in many agribusiness-related fields.

You’ll find your next career opportunity here in the Grand Forks region.

Current full-time jobs available now in greater Grand Forks!


New jobs posted in the past 14 days.

Powered by Job Service North Dakota.

We had Grand Forks pegged as a temporary stop on the way to bigger and better things. The truth is, we found those bigger and better things right here in Grand Forks. Everything from the significant professional opportunity, vibrancy, and family friendly atmosphere led to this decision and we are here to stay!

Photo Credit: Cooler Ambassador Pam Shea
Overview of Downtown Grand Forks North Dakota Buildings and Architecture
Shawn Gaddie

Everything from healthy economic growth, revitalizing our downtown, fantastic educational opportunities, and a family friendly environment make Grand Forks great.

Downtown Grand Forks Future Rendering for Outdoor Events
Nicole Johnson and Tessa Hiney
Owners, Kittsona

When I was a student, UND afforded me such great community-focused opportunities and a chance to develop personally and professionally. I chose to stay here and help contribute to a culture so others have that same experience.

Greater Grand Forks Way Cooler Than You Think Co-Host Collin Hanson
Collin Hanson
Evolve Grand Forks

I moved to Grand Forks 12 years ago, and since my first volunteering opportunity, this place has shown me it’s hunger and excitement to support new and creative ideas. Really, it comes down to the train of thought, “you build the event, and the people will come.

Blue Weber Grand Forks is Cooler Testimonial
Alexander Blue Weber
Executive Director, Downtown Development Association

Grand Forks is a fantastic place to live and grow a business.  The community is extremely welcoming, and the university atmosphere adds a uniquely charming angle to the city.  I especially love that Grand Forks and North Dakota are so very well-known for their thriving Unmanned Aircraft Systems ecosystem.

Matt Dunlevy Grand Forks is Cooler Testimonial
Matt Dunlevy
President & CEO, SkyScopes

I moved away from the Grand Forks region after college but was thrilled to return a few years later and never left!  This is a great community to live, work, and play.  We especially enjoy and take advantage of the miles of biking & running trails, numerous restaurants, and so many lakes nearby for weekend getaways

Sean O' Leary Better Opportunities Cooler Testimonial
Sean O'Leary
Senior Manager Finance Operations, LM Windpower

Grand Forks is a community of opportunity. Education and stable housing are essential building blocks for successful community members. The community provides innovative education and support for affordable housing organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity, allowing all community members the opportunity to achieve their goals individually and for the city.

Marisa Sorensen Grand Forks is Cooler Testimonial
Marisa Sorensen
Executive Director, Red River Valley Habitat for Humanity


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Grand Forks ND is way cooler