A Positive Spin: 5 Cool Things About EPIC Spin Class in Grand Forks

There are a lot of ways to stay active in Grand Forks.  My favorite is going to spin class at Choice Health and Fitness.  They have a spin class for people with disabilities and their friends.  This class is called Endless Possibilities in Cycling or EPIC.  The teacher is Karen Lauer.  The class is Mondays and Wednesdays at 4:30-5:00 PM.  (It’s good to get to class early to pick out a bike and save one for friends.)  To join the EPIC class, you need a membership to Choice.  These are the reasons I like the EPIC spin class.

Erin taking a spin class in Grand Forks.

Spin Class in Grand Forks: Great Tunes to Pump You Up

They have good, loud music at the EPIC spin class.  You can request songs and the teacher will add them to her playlist.  They have fun music like country and pop.  There is a good mix of music.  One of my favorite songs to spin to is “I Can Make Your Hands Clap”.  The good music makes us spin harder and makes the class more fun.

Spin Class in Grand Forks: You Can Dance It Out

We like to dance to the good music while we spin.  We clap and move our arms while we are spinning.  We dance while we are sitting and while we are standing up in climbing gear.  Dancing while we spin makes us spin faster and longer so we get more miles in.

Erin and friends taking a spin class in Grand Forks.

Spin Class in Grand Forks: Exercise is Awesome

Exercise is fun if you do it the right way.  Spinning is a good way to exercise.  Some people sweat when they are spinning.  Spinning gets your heart rate up and that is good for a healthy heart.  Exercise helps your body get strong. You can maybe lose weight when you go to spin class and move your body to the music.

Spin Class in Grand Forks: Hang Out and Make New Friends

EPIC is one way to hang out with your best friends.  That’s how we get together.  Most of the people at spin class also do Special Olympics.  Some are friends of people with disabilities.  Spinning with friends makes exercise better.

Spin with friends in Grand Forks.

Spin Class in Grand Forks: Stay Active Through Every Season

Staying active is how we stay healthy.  It’s important to be active all year.  EPIC spin class meets two days a week year round (unless it’s a holiday).  It helps with year-round sports training. Riding a spin bike helps us stay warm when it is below zero.

There are lots of ways to stay active in Grand Forks.  Choice Health and Fitness, the YMCA, Northern Air, Planet Fitness, and other gyms.  My favorite way to stay active is EPIC spin class at Choice.  It’s fun to have people with disabilities to be able to ride a spin bike.


For more information on EPIC Cycling, check out Choice Health and Fitness’ website.

5 people stand with the Orange Theory 'brag board' that reads 'day 11' in Grand Forks.

Looking for More Group Workouts?

Check out this article!

Strength in Numbers!
Erin Baumman, a 'What's Cooler Today?' Writer in Grand Forks.


Erin Baumann was born and raised in Grand Forks.  She graduated from Red River High School in 2001.  She has been working at Hardee’s in Grand Forks for over 17 years.  She is a Healthy Messenger with Special Olympics North Dakota and has been a Special Olympics athlete since 1995.  Erin is very active in the community and can often be found at the EPIC spin class at Choice Health and Fitness or almost all UND sporting events.  She loves Mexican food and going out to eat any chance she can.  Erin is proud to be from Grand Forks!


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